Manolo for the HomeBetsey Johnson’s Pretty In Pink | Manolo for the Home

Betsey Johnson’s Pretty In Pink

By Christa Terry

A hearty thanks to The Manolo for letting me know that Betsey Johnson’s New York apartment was recently estate of the day over at Luxist. Had he not shared this link, I never would have had a chance to see into this Pepto Bismol world that is currently on the market for a cool $3.6 mil.

I loooooove this kitchen!
PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why am I not surprised?
Nice bathroom, too

This is pretty much what I’d imagine Betsy Johnson’s living spaces looking like if you asked me to take a best guess at describing her digs.

9 Responses to “Betsey Johnson’s Pretty In Pink”

  1. Daniela Says:

    I find it all visually jarring, much like the lady herself. Oddly, she reminds me too much of the chick on Project Runway who was forever sewing those little fabric circles and putting them on everything.

  2. bethgirl Says:

    I have to admit that I really do like this place – a little too pink for my tastes, but overall I’m digging it. I think the light fixture in the living room is from IKEA – not 100% on that but it looks like one in the catalog. I’d been thinking about it for our dining room!

  3. Tizzy Says:

    Bethgirl, I’m pretty sure you’re right about the IKIEA fixture.

    It’s wrong that the part I”m swelling on it the lack of kitchen cabinets and not the pink, huh?

  4. Toby Wollin Says:

    Bethgirl – I was just at Ikea on Monday – that light fixture looks exactly like the one you are referencing, but again, I’m sure theirs is a knock off of a famous one anyway. On the pink side, if it had not been labeled Betsey Johnson, I’d have thought it was Mary Kay xxx, the founder of the cosmetics company. The kitchen is a little weird for me — it’s sort of like Industrial Hospital Kitchen meets New Orleans Bordello – but if it works for her, who cares?

  5. Jennie Says:

    If you can get around the Pepto Rose decor, the place has fabulous architechural bones… I could live there after a paint job and getting rid of the pink fake rose collection….

  6. Jennifer L. Says:

    . . . classic BJ. . . looks like her boutique and like the shoes I just bought from her collection. . . I guess she’s consistent if nothing else.

  7. raincoaster Says:

    And undersized, just like all her clothes. When I was in Marathon-running shape I was a Betsey Johnson extra large, and I’m only five-two. It looks like she took a real apartment and shrank it in the dryer. I know it’s NYC, but for three million?

    Plus, I bet it smells like cigarettes and crantinis.

  8. Chicklet Says:

    It’s a little crazy and kinda fantastic simultaneously — quite the feat, Betsey!

  9. Daniela Says:

    “Plus, I bet it smells like cigarettes and crantinis.”

    BwaHahahaha! That is hilarity. And quite possibly, dead on.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
