Inside Saddam Hussein’s Mega Yacht
By Christa TerryYesterday we got to peek inside Betsy Johnson’s NYC pad. Today it’s time to have a gander inside Saddam Hussein’s mega yacht, the Qaddisat Saddam. This $34 million boat, which now goes by the less disturbing moniker Ocean Breeze, can now be yours! Let’s have a look…

Saddam Hussein’s mega yacht comes equipped with bulletproof glass, a full medical clinic, prayer rooms, weapons storage, gold fixtures, marble, fountains, and more. It also comes equipped with decor straight out of the hotel decorators’ handbook.

Again, this is pretty much the set-up I would have envisioned for Saddam Hussein’s mega yacht if someone had asked me to guess at Saddam’s taste in interiors.
via Radar Online
December 20th, 2007 at 11:47 am
it looks very Donald Trump to me. Creepy. In that 2nd photo, the flowers on the coffee table look entirely photoshopped there to make the room seem a little less…. something… maybe pink? maybe stale?
December 20th, 2007 at 2:10 pm
I’m guessing lavender with gold taps in the bathrooms, right?
December 20th, 2007 at 10:24 pm
And the Yani flute in the background…
August 18th, 2010 at 7:55 am
FUGLY. Why am I not surprised that Saddam would love him some cheapass hotel decor? XD