Manolo for the HomeA Home That Can Roam | Manolo for the Home

A Home That Can Roam

By Christa Terry


Caravans aren’t just for gypsies, according to a certain Daphne. They can be retreats, guest quarters, studios, sheds, playhouses, and more, provided you have somewhere to store them when they’re not rolling on the open road.


You can even live in a caravan as Daphne did if you’re ready to eschew some of the comforts of home — heat and indoor plumbing come to mind. Apparently, the popularity of traditional caravan living is undergoing a resurgence in the UK.

If you’re in love with the idea of having a house that you can hitch up to your car, there are DIY caravan kits for sale at The New Gypsy Caravan. At around $500 for the double bed model, it’s a rather budget-friendly way to roam if you can turn a blind eye to the inevitable increase in gas expenditures.

Would you give caravan living a go if you had the time and the freedom?

3 Responses to “A Home That Can Roam”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    Aren’t caravans supposed to be pulled by picturesque Irish draught horses?

  2. Eilish Says:

    I know it’s not quite the same as the horse-drawn variety, but my husband and I bought a new Airstream Safari trailer earlier this year and we believe it is possibly the best purchase we have ever made. We love it to get away on weekends and have seen things and met people we would never have imagined. Plus, it does double duty as a guest house when we have company. (Really, it’s the coolest house we own–so stylish!) If you can spend the money, I can’t recommend them highly enough!

    Oh, and we aren’t 80, we’re in our thirties!

  3. Never teh Bride Says:

    I’m not sure, raincoaster, but those horses are nothing if not picturesque!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
