Manolo for the HomeOops? | Manolo for the Home


By Christa Terry

Well now that can't possibly be right

As raincoaster put it so darned well over at Teeny Manolo, we’ve got some technical difficulties going on. But disappearing posts and vanishing comments can be unearthed or reposted…it’s a lot harder to right a house that’s gone wrong!

Actually, the topsy-turvy abode you see before you is actually an art piece located in Szymbark, Poland. After its completion it became a much-visited tourist attraction, bringing throngs of people to the tiny town.

4 Responses to “Oops?”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    I’d buy that. Why am I not insanely rich? I’d buy so many entertaining things for people to look at!

  2. Bridey Says:

    I think this is pretty cool, and even rather beautiful… and I saw it was intended to be a “profound statement” on something or other. But, you know, sometimes an upside down house is just an upside down house!

  3. Marek Says:

    I’ve been to this house. Going inside is a mind blast !! Not only is the house upside down but it’s on a steep angle. Seeing all the familiar household items at strange angles really messes with your mind and you feel like a drunk walking around it.

  4. grooro Says:

    That reminds me of the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not in Florida…Daytona, maybe? The whole building was made to look like it[s upside down.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
