Manolo for the HomeNo cows were harmed in the making of this rug | Manolo for the Home

No cows were harmed in the making of this rug

By Christa Terry

No cows were harmed in the making of this rug

I can admit, even as a dedicated veghead, that I love the shape of icky dead animal hides. I guess, having said that, I can also say that I think vintage moose heads, elephant leg chairs, and polished horn letter openers are pretty neat looking, too. I wouldn’t actually buy any of these things, but I do like looking at them in antique shops and in magazines.

Thankfully, Catherine David Designs of New Zealand lets me get my skin fix without giving any animals a one way pass to the netherworld. The ‘cow skin’ and ‘sheep skin’ rugs are actually made out of pieces of cool vintage carpet cut to resemble their “naturally grown” counterparts.

I wonder if I could make one using the inexpensive carpet leftovers one finds at flooring shops?

6 Responses to “No cows were harmed in the making of this rug”

  1. Toby Wollin Says:

    Now THAT’s clever. I love that idea.

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    …not to mention easy to do oneself, I’d wager!

  3. Twistie Says:

    Looking at this, I’m reminded of somethng I saw at a crafts fair years ago. There was a woman who had knitted animal heads. The knitting was put over taxidermy forms, so they kept their proper shape nicely. She had lions and bears and elks and caribou and purple dragons…almost anything you could imagine. I kind of fell in love with the idea and bought her instructional book. Alas! I never learned to knit that well. If I ever run across her again, I’m going to just buy one of the finished heads. They really were too cool for words.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    I’ve always wanted to do this, actually. Right now I have a large set of golden angel wings on my wall, and I always tell people who admire it, “Oh, thank you. I shot it myself.”

  5. Never teh Bride Says:

    That’s truly awesome, raincoaster. If you said that to me, I’d have to ask what sort of cartridges you used and if it was easy to clean!

  6. raincoaster Says:

    Oh, I always get the paper biodegradable ones from Holland & Holland. I tell you, there’s a lot of meat on one of those and it tastes heavenly.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
