Manolo for the HomePop a top for a table | Manolo for the Home

Pop a top for a table

By Christa Terry

I’ve been in a really crafty frame of mind lately since I mastered the basic functions of my hand-me-down sewing machine. Making one thing (let’s say a cute tote) puts me in the mood to make something else…usually something a thousand times more complicated, like a new sewing machine table. What it all boils down to is that I spent my entire morning looking at online tutorials instead of, um, working. Luckily, I can pass along the fruits of my not so laborious labors to you.

Don’t drink them all just before starting lest you never finish

I found an especially simple DIY table tutorial in the pages of the WaPo Express, courtesy of Julia Beizer and her fiance, Tom. All you need is a table, a whole mess of beer caps, some wood bits for the trim, a little glue, and a tub of epoxy. Oh, and some time, because each 1/8″ epoxy layer takes two days or more to dry.

According to Julia, this rumpus room appropriate table is simple to put together — which is good for lazy DIYers like me. It can also be pretty inexpensive, depending on the beer you prefer and the table you choose. In fact, the priciest part of the whole works may just be the epoxy, which costs upwards of $20 per pint!

3 Responses to “Pop a top for a table”

  1. Twistie Says:

    One of the really cool things about it is how easily it can be adapted if one is not much of a beer drinker. Soda bottle caps, poker chips, nearly any fairly small, fairly flat item could stand in, depending on your taste and plans for the table.

    (gets all DIYish)

    You shouldn’t dangle ideas like this in front of a woman who spent a year making her wedding lace. She just might get into woodworking.

  2. La Petite Acadienne Says:

    Tiddlywinks! They’d be awesome on that table.

    Or, if it’s your sewing table, threaders, all interlaced with different colours of thread — wouldn’t that be cute?

  3. Never teh Bride Says:

    Too true, Twistie! I have a rather largish collection of foreign coins that would work so well in this sort of thing. I have a friend who did it with postcards.

    And I love the threaders idea, La Petite Acadienne!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
