Manolo for the HomeRock out with some heavy metal…furniture | Manolo for the Home

Rock out with some heavy metal…furniture

By Christa Terry

If you’re into the heavy metal aesthetic, perhaps you’ve dreamed of filling your abode with actual metal. FistFire molds steel, glass, aluminum, and acrylic into unique furniture that to me looks rather Mad Max-esque.

Looks pointy…

It’s a chair that doubles as giant-sized brass knuckles–perfect for those who are unsure whether their visitors will include people with tired tootsies or a race of giant (and violent) gang members.

Oooh biohazard!

I don’t know that I’d feel comfortable setting my teacup down on a table like that. Who knows what horrors lurk within?

For those seriously metal dinner parties

A coffee table and a single chair just won’t cut the mustard when the entire Gwar fan club is coming over for milk and cookies, so you’re going to need something more. Something, perhaps, like this dining set!

3 Responses to “Rock out with some heavy metal…furniture”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    This is awesome. Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow are coming over for milk and cookies and I was looking for a way to make them feel more at home.

  2. Jennie Says:

    7 of 9’s unit was visiting so she had some pieces made by the replicators to make them more comfortable. ( How’s that for a nerdy mix of sci fi shows!) Actually I kind of like the chair…. (sheepish grin)

  3. Twistie Says:

    Is it wrong of me to be madly in love with the radioactive motif table? It doesn’t fit with much of anything in my home, and I have no place to put it, but I want it now. Maybe when the blessed day comes when Mr. Twistie can move the studio out of the house…except it would probably go better in the studio.


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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
