Manolo for the HomePrefabricated modules can be sexy | Manolo for the Home

Prefabricated modules can be sexy

By Christa Terry

If you’ve never checked out Prefabcosm, you’re missing out. It’s a resource for pre-fab and modular homes that’s full of cool images (real snapshots and concept designs) and links to manufacturers of slick, boxy structures. I like to browse in case I ever decide to replace my little cottage with something that will be delivered to my property on a series of trucks.

What’s a Loblolly?

The Loblolly house from KieranTimberlake Associates LLP forces me to sin because every time I look at the pictures I start to covet it. It’s named for the tall pines that sit on and around its site on the Chesapeake Bay, and it’s crafted from pre-fab panels that distribute radiant heating, hot and cold water, waste water, ventilation, and electricity through the house. How cool is that?

Es pace? E-space? ESP ace?

This Austrian structure was created by Punto ese Projektentwicklung GmbH, and comes in one big ol’ piece. It doesn’t get much easier than that, I suppose, though I can’t say I understand a lot of the specifics listed on the Espace web site.

A little space to call your own

I have a shed that could, with a little work, become a teeny art/writing/sewing studio, but it would never be as nice as this model from Modern Shed. Then again, my shed didn’t cost me $11,000.

Check out Prefabcosm for more cool modular homes!

4 Responses to “Prefabricated modules can be sexy”

  1. GGarfield Says:

    Wow, am I the only one who just does not get this? Prefab homes are so ugly.

  2. Jennie Says:

    These are just the uber modern examples. My townhome is a very traditional style that was built as a 4 part modular unit (combine 2 residences in the 4 modules). It is brick veneered with 6 over 6 windows and leaded glass doors. Modular homes can be much better built than stick built because they are not exposed to the elements during construction and are built to withstand transportation. Codes are also stricter so the product is better all around.

  3. Jennie Says:

    Here’s a link to traditional prefabs. (I really love the modern ones myself!)

  4. Never teh Bride Says:

    I always forget about those, Jennie. I’ve read about the old Sears pre-fabs, and those were beautiful! And there are still companies making wonderful, classical pre-fabs even today.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
