A little magic for a long-awaited springtime
By Christa TerryWhere I live, the birdies are just now starting to make a little noise and the first green shoots are tentatively poking up out of the soil. We’re at the end of March, the month that comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb, but things aren’t particularly lamby in my neck of the woods. It’s still pretty cold. Heck, it snowed the other day! In fact, today’s weather report reads “cloudy with a mixture of rain and snow showers developing during the afternoon. Some sleet may mix in.”
If it wasn’t for a little magic I learned, I’d be feeling pretty bleah right about now. The magic operates thusly: Make the inside of your home as springy as possible by replacing heavy curtains with gauzy ones, putting away those heavy throws, and prominently displaying brightly colored objects. The springier it feels inside, the faster springtime will actually arrive outdoors. Seriously, it works. I promise.

You’re probably looking at thisAngela Adams rug and thinking, “But it’s so dark!” It is indeed quite brown, but my eyes are drawn toward the circles of green at the end of each birch branch. They look, to me, like the first buds of spring…the ones that appear early because the tree is testing the air, deciding whether or not to come out of its deep wintertime sleep.
This 100% New Zealand wool rug comes in another incarnation that you might find somewhat more evocative of springtime because it’s a light, airy gray. I like Angela Adams’ stuff because she’s part of Rugmark, a global nonprofit organization working to end illegal child labor in the carpet industry and offer educational opportunities to children in India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Gorgeous and humane? I’ll take that over blah and unethical any day.