Manolo for the HomeWhen chic can be shipped | Manolo for the Home

When chic can be shipped

By Christa Terry

The problem with so many of the lovely antique and vintage things I see each day is that while they look as close as can be on my laptop’s screen, they’re actually thousands of miles away in cute little shops located all over the country.

I find, for example, the most darling little hand shaped teapot, only to discover that the Arizonian potter who creates them doesn’t do distance sales but would be happy to meet me at my convenience. That’s just one hypothetical example, of course.

Thank you, Coleen!

Everything in the pic above can be found at Coleen & Company, in lovely Newport Beach, CA. Designer Coleen Rider finds lots of sweet pieces who knows where, stocking her shop with all things beautiful. She even deigns to put some of it up on the Internet so that those of us who secretly dream of things like leather-topped Italian writing desks, vintage porcelain birds, and colorful Chinoiserie panels can drool.

That problem I mentioned in the very start of this post? It’s no problem at all — order what you like on the web site (if, unlike me, you have the money), and Rider will have it lovingly packed and carefully shipped right to your doorstep. Happy shopping!

6 Responses to “When chic can be shipped”

  1. Twistie Says:

    (Covets porcelain birds)

    Damn. Why do I never win the Lotto? Just because I don’t play shouldn’t be any excuse.

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    Wait a second…you have to play? Dang, and here I was waiting for my windfall to roll in!

  3. Nariya Says:

    I want that desk. I really, really want that desk. Siigh.

  4. Hattie Says:

    This is perfect for someone like me who isn’t all that interested in actually GOING TO THE STORE. I hate when I find something I love online and find out the store has no website you can buy stiff from. Get with the times, people!

  5. Jasmine Says:

    There’s a pair of beautiful silver chairs on the site right now that are to die for!

  6. Chad Says:

    …but how much is shipping going to run you?

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
