Jewelry for your house?
By Christa TerryOnce upon a time, I wrote an article about tassels. Specifically, I wrote about what my boss called “jewelry for the home,” where the jewelry in question cost about as much as my wedding band. I found out a lot about tassels that day. Some people think of them as a chic and inexpensive way to jazz up one’s home decor. To the Feng Shui enthusiast, tassels can enhance one’s health, wealth, happiness, and luck in love. In ancient China, tassels adorned with amulets were believed to channel Qi energy. All fascinating stuff, though at the time I was more concerned with the $150 per tiny tassel price tag.

Well as it would turn out, outfitting your dresser drawers and doorknobs with their very own jewelry doesn’t have to break the bank. The crafter creating the aforementioned tassels was just overcharging a gullible populace by claiming hers were imbued with magic elemental energy. The tassels above cost a mere $29.95, and they are supposed to make you just as happy or lucky as the insanely expensive versions.
On the other hand, with a book like Tassel Making For Beginners or Practical Tassels you can just make your own and imbue them with whatever kind of energy you want. I think I’ll imbue mine with the kind of energy that makes me stop slacking…
June 16th, 2010 at 10:02 pm
Feng Shui is used mostly by old fashioned chinese. I dunno if it really works..”-
July 18th, 2010 at 11:40 pm
sometimes the predictions of feng shui are true and sometimes it is not.”‘.
August 31st, 2010 at 10:22 am
we came from a very superstitious chinese family so we do believe in Feng Shui”.’