Manolo for the HomeInspiration From Graham & Brown | Manolo for the Home

Inspiration From Graham & Brown

By Christa Terry

The one person I know who was absolutely stoked to hang wallpaper eventually discovered that hanging wallpaper frequently requires stripping wallpaper. Further exploration revealed that stripping ancient wallpaper off of plaster is a huge pain is simply not worth the time invested. I’m pretty sure she eventually gave up and bought a new house rather than have to deal with half-stripped walls.

I don’t think I personally have the energy for wallpaper, but that doesn’t mean I can’t admire it and post about it and encourage you to do what I cannot! Below you’ll find five wallpapers from Graham & Brown that will hopefully delight and inspire.

orange wallpaper

Heavy on the chocolate and light on the orange, Matchsticks looks nothing like its namesake. ($49.99 for 11 yards)

purple wallpaper

A large-scale pattern makes this traditional Damask a little sexier than it might otherwise be. ($49.99 for 11 yards)

multicolored wallpaper

Frames is interactive — you can paint directly in the frames or tack up artwork within them. ($40.00 for some unspecified quantity)

swan wallpaper

The Blue Swans is actually a mural, though it’s so relaxing and pretty I thought I’d include it anyway. ($150.00 for a wall’s worth of swans)

blue beadboard

If you don’t have beadboard and don’t feel like installing it, faux blue beadboard wallpaper may just be the next best thing. Just don’t let anyone get too close to the wall — even though it looks and feels like real beadboard, someone will notice the difference. ($25.00 for some unspecified amount)

4 Responses to “Inspiration From Graham & Brown”

  1. Twistie Says:

    All my life I’ve had an anti-wallpaper fetish, but I’m kind of loving the Frames pattern. I wonder if there’s a version in a larger scale somewhere.

  2. Jennie Says:

    The bead board paper comes white and is painted to match the room. Many of G & B papers are heavily textured and designed to be painted. They are particularly effective for covering bad walls such as cinder block or paneling or just so damaged that there is no hope except replacement or moving. They also have patterns that mimic old tin ceilings that do wonders covering cracked, patched, and “textured” ceilings. They are heavily embossed and can be painted with a couple of different rollers or brushes to achieve different looks. Great to use when budget is tight.

  3. Never teh Bride Says:

    Twistie: Time to bust out the Sharpie?

    Jennie: Oh, that just may be my answer to my ridiculous tin ceiling fetish. Two friends of mine bought a house with a real one and I’ve been jealous ever since.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    Frames is eighteen kinds of awesome!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
