Manolo for the HomeGifts For the Home: The Under $50 Edition | Manolo for the Home

Gifts For the Home: The Under $50 Edition

By Christa Terry

An acquaintance of mine recently announced that she has completed all of her holiday shopping. When I picked my jaw up off the floor, all I could do was nod mutely. Suddenly I felt guilty…it’s never too early to start thinking about holiday gifts, after all. Then I felt livid! Why should I feel guilty when Thanksgiving is but a glimmer in my hungry husband’s eye?

Nonetheless, I simply cannot stop my Type A brain from contemplating gift ideas. Money’s tight this year, what with a baby on the way, so I’m trying to keep costs down or at the very least keep costs reasonable. Last year, we made gifts, and many hours and burned fingers later, I’ve come to realize that my time and my digits are too valuable. My preliminary gift search led me to Branch and the Gifts Under $50 section of their web site.

Inexpensive gifts

From reclaimed wood salt and pepper shakers or spice blocks and eggs that grow herbs to organic bamboo cutting boards or utensils and worker-friendly bamboo bowls, Branch has the kind of gifts appropriate for MILs and grandparents who already have everything but are happy to receive some pretty new thing.

Yes, everyone in my family loves to cook but me. How could you tell?

2 Responses to “Gifts For the Home: The Under $50 Edition”

  1. Twistie Says:

    That egg herb pot makes me wish my very gaze wasn’t death to all plant life in the vicinity. It would be so cute on my kitchen windowsill, if I could just keep one damn plant alive.

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    I have the best luck with the plants I mostly leave alone to do their own thing. Sounds counterintuitive, I know, but it’s worked quite well for me!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
