Gifts For the Home: The Under $20 Edition
By Christa TerryAck! The apex of the holiday season is approaching fast! What would last-minute gift buyers do without Amazon’s 2-day shipping? My guess is show up shame-facedly at holiday gatherings where grab bags and white elephant games constitute the evening’s entertainment. When you know who you’re buying for, it makes sense to spend a little cash on holiday gifts, but when you’re anonymously wrapped package is going in a sack and may just end up in the hands of that guy from accounting who you cannot stand, why pay more than twenty bucks?
Here are six holiday gifts that won’t set you back more than two ten-spots.
As usual, click on the pics for more info. Remember, all is not lost. There is still time to buy holiday gifts for all the people on your list (loved and hated alike) without succumbing to the press of the crowd and the overwhelming atmosphere of the mega-mall.
December 15th, 2008 at 10:46 am
Great ideas! If I hadn’t already finished all my shopping, I think I’d get the poodle watering can for my mom. She has thing thing about dogs…
December 15th, 2008 at 6:39 pm
It’s only twelve bucks, Jeff. I say get it anyway 😉
December 16th, 2008 at 8:23 am
I absolutely adore the flamingos! Too bad I don’t have anywhere to put them…
December 16th, 2008 at 10:09 am
They are just the right size to stick in a largish houseplant, Sarah!