Manolo for the HomeDivide (and Conquer) | Manolo for the Home

Divide (and Conquer)

By Christa Terry

When The Beard and I were sharing a home office way back in the day, we decided that we each needed a little privacy. The answer came in the form of a traditional folding screen. It was not a perfect solution, but it worked in the home office we had and gave us back a little of our personal space in a small apartment. Were I to design that space over again, I would replace the folding screen with an open bookcase. It would have afforded us less privacy, but it would have done something in addition to dividing up the space.

bookcases for home offices

By this I mean it would have held books, which would have been extra nice because we are people with a whole lot of books. Now with a whole house to ourselves, there’s nothing to divvy up in terms of space or rooms. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t mind finding a place for this bookcase or this bookcase or even this bookcase (stacked). Even if you’re not a book person, consider using a bookcase if you’re looking to section off a bit of space for yourself. Own your spaces! You can always fill the shelves with craft supplies or knick-knacks that make you happy.

As for the bookcase in the above photograph, I have no idea why it’s listing so dangerously to the left. Perhaps it is in one of those houses on islands being eaten away by the tides?

One Response to “Divide (and Conquer)”

  1. Briana Says:

    Where do you find this?

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
