Manolo for the HomeInspired By Anatomy (More Than Likely NSFW) | Manolo for the Home

Inspired By Anatomy (More Than Likely NSFW)

By Christa Terry

Furniture designer and artist Mario Philippona has a thing for the female form. A serious thing. You might just say he’s a tad obsessed with the ladyparts most people describe as private. Indeed so obsessed that he uses the colors and textures of various types of hard woods to emphasize the, er, natural curves found on most women. In his own words:

“The shape of a woman, her organic architecture, combined with my passion for wood inspired me to sculpt these sexy designs.”

Righteo. This is me trying very hard not to make the obvious ‘wood’ jokes. Ahem. As you might imagine, Philippona’s cupboards, tables, and wardrobes are not the sort of furniture you’ll normally see in the homes of friends or colleagues for obvious reasons. Now let’s have a look!


Tittyfrutty is a bowl balanced on four breasts that Philippona describes as “life size.”


Boobycase, a wine cabinet, was apparently inspired by “woman with fantastic breasts, seen in the sauna,” though Philippona admits that there was some artistic exaggeration involved. Well, yes. You can drink from a breast, but wine isn’t typically on the menu.


It’s not all boobies in Philipponaville! I’ll just let Winespread speak for itself, shall I?

4 Responses to “Inspired By Anatomy (More Than Likely NSFW)”

  1. Ivory Pearl Interiors Says:

    wow, very unusual items, that’s for sure!

  2. ess Says:


  3. Never teh Bride Says:

    I’m inclined to agree with you, ess. Taking the qualities (lines, grace, symmetry, whatever) of something and applying it to something else is one thing, but slapping boobies and cooters on furniture is quite another.

  4. mayej Says:

    I am a virile heterosexual male that truly does enjoy the curves and sway of women. I will not shy away from looking at a pretty gal in the nude.
    But really…….What is this guy, 12?
    With the obvious quality he can produce, this is what he does with it?

    I’m more intrigued by the ‘Leg Lamp’ in A Christmas Story than this slop.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
