Manolo for the HomeSmall Spaces and Baby: Getting It Right | Manolo for the Home

Small Spaces and Baby: Getting It Right

By Christa Terry

Babies probably don’t actually need about 85% of the things we’ve all been conditioned by baby magazines and shops to think they need. Somewhere to sleep, yes. Some toys to play with, yes. All those things that keep baby healthy, yes. Does the living room need to be taken over by infant and toddler gear? No, no, NO. You simply do not have to sacrifice chic when a bundle of joy invades your world.

small apartment with baby

When baby has its own good sized room, then by all means give in to the temptation to spread exersaucers and jumperoos hither and yon. But if you’re fitting baby into an already small space by necessity or because you’re a fan of small space living, then think carefully about what you buy for baby and where you put it. I’m sure you don’t leave your toys — whether they be golf clubs or musician’s gear or paint brushes — laying about, so why not be as neat with your son or daughter’s stuff? If nothing else, those early months will be less traumatic when you maintain some semblance of belonging to the world of grown-ups.

(Photo by Zophos)

3 Responses to “Small Spaces and Baby: Getting It Right”

  1. TeleriB Says:

    Oh, you can tell that little baby is the only kid in that house. The phone isn’t five feet off the floor, the remote control is easily accessible, the DVD cabinet and filing drawers don’t have string tying the doors and drawers shut, and the potted plant is upright. I see they’re relocated most of the knicknacks to a high shelf, but the globe and small framed pictures are still at risk.

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    Admittedly things do change when it comes time to have to childproof, TeleriB!

  3. Chiken Says:

    That looks a lot like my house. I’m pretty sure that is the same coffee table from ikea that I have — and am now getting rid of because my daughter is 6 months old and those corners are scary, scary, scary. Baby proofing is so difficult!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
