Manolo for the HomeWho Doesn’t Love Lego… Just Not Quite This Much | Manolo for the Home

Who Doesn’t Love Lego… Just Not Quite This Much

By Christa Terry

What’s this? An ordinary striped house, albeit one with a somewhat unusual exterior color scheme? Hardly! Once upon a time it was British TV personality James May’s house in in Dorking, UK — he loves Legos so much… well, let’s just say the Top Gear star wanted to surround himself with them.


That’s right, the entire house was constructed using more than three million Lego pieces. With the assistance of 1,200 people, a whole domicile was created, complete with lots of Lego furniture and a Lego toilet that actually flushed. What did the helpers do? They put together full-sized bricks, each one consisting of 272 Lego pieces. Whew!


But May’s Lego house was a temporary one, and the whole thing was disassembled and transported to Legoland, where the pieces will be part of a display that visitors can use to build scale models of whatever.


*sniff* Gone too soon, I say.

4 Responses to “Who Doesn’t Love Lego… Just Not Quite This Much”

  1. Glinda Says:

    My son, who is in a HUGE Lego phase at the moment, would have loved this!

    By my count, we have approximately 6,000 Lego pieces. Not enough to make a house, but enough to make my life miserable!

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    I know from experience that Legos hurt like hell when you step on them! Can’t wait until Paloma is old enough, nosiree…

  3. raincoaster Says:

    I can see why it’s called Dorking.

  4. Never teh Bride Says:

    Sick Dorking burn!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
