Manolo for the HomeSee a Penny, You Can’t Pick It Up | Manolo for the Home

See a Penny, You Can’t Pick It Up

By Christa Terry

Looking for something to do with those thousands of pennies you’ve been stashing in coffee cans since you were wee? Coinstar machines take a cut of your jingly change, and rolling pennies just plain sucks. And saving those pennies for a rainy day might not be the best of ideas when some people want to kill the humble one cent piece. So what’s a thrifty guy or gal to do with all that copper (and zinc… mostly zinc, actually)? Lay a floor, of course.

penny floor

penny tiles

This penny floor can be found in The Standard Grill in the Standard Hotel New York. I imagine that laying a penny floor could take a lot of work, but hey, at least the materials will be cheap. Think about $1.96 per square foot, i.e., a 14×14 grid as calculated by Bridge Designs. Don’t forget about glue and all the other costs, however.

penny floor 2

Here’s another sweet floor, as found in a certain Mark’s home. Note the scrabble tiles inlaid in the wall.

penny backsplash


Then there are penny backsplashes and walls lined with pennies, like this one in a French shop from RB Architects. Neat, yeah?

For the longest wear and the most natural aging of the copper in your penny floor or penny wall, look for pennies minted between 1962 and 1982 since during this period pennies were comprised of 95% copper and 5% zinc. After that, the composition became 97.5% zinc with a mere 2.5% copper.

3 Responses to “See a Penny, You Can’t Pick It Up”

  1. MissPinkKate Says:

    I love it!!!

  2. Christine Says:

    This is too funny–as I kid I always thought that a penny floor would be so cool, but my older brother shot down the idea (as older brothers tend to do)… I feel oddly triumphant after seeing this!

  3. Never teh Bride Says:

    Forward it to him! Or better yet, install a penny floor in your place and have him come over to see the results!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
