Where’s My Colorful Fridge?
By Christa TerryWhen I lived in Berlin back in the day, the tiny kitchen we had in our otherwise massive flat contained a refrigerator that was orange. I mean bright orange. None of this white, cream, black, or stainless bunk for the Germans. Though I can’t recall if our stove was equally colorful, I can remember being surprised and delighted by the orange refrigerator that complemented our orange kitchen. That room in particular could easily be described as retro-modrn, and that was just the built-ins!
It’s a shame that the only places selling very colorful kitchen appliances here in the States seem to be Big Chill and Northstar. And then, of course, they’re quite expensive and really only work if you’re a fan of retro kitchen appliances. Sometimes you can find them at thrift stores, although they might need some minor repairs. However, you can find parts for retro appliances on sites like PartSelect

I do like them, but wouldn’t it be nice if some of the European kitchen appliance manufacturers would decide to sell to us here in the U.S. of A. so we could all have colorful refrigerators and stoves without having to opt for retro kitchen appliances. Of course, everything would still be quite expensive, but at least there would be some variety beyond the usual four-color palette!
December 1st, 2009 at 1:36 pm
My aunt and uncle spray painted their refrigerator about 10 years back. They invested in the right kind of primer and spray paint, and did a great job prepping and stuff, and it held up beautifully. This is a relatively cheap option for those who want some more color, and is more flexible for those who remodel often. Just a thought…
December 1st, 2009 at 11:10 pm
Look at a company called SMEG (really unfortunate name). They make small but colorful Fridges! Around 10 c.u.
December 1st, 2009 at 11:12 pm
And how about the new Amana line!!! Lots of fun! http://www.amanacolor.com/
December 10th, 2009 at 8:23 am
Part of the reason that colored appliances are less than popular is that people are staying in their homes for shorter spans of time. When you’re assuming that you’re going to sell your home in two or five years, do you really want to install a purple fridge or a green stove? It could make selling your house that much harder in the long run…it’s worse than wallpaper. White, black, metal are all qupte/unquote inoffensive to buyers.
September 14th, 2010 at 3:03 pm
I like this very much. “J’aime beaucoup” like we says in French.