Manolo for the HomeA Table Kids Can Write On Over and Over Again | Manolo for the Home

A Table Kids Can Write On Over and Over Again

By Christa Terry

Fact: Kids like the write in furniture. Fact: Getting ink out of upholstery or crayon off walls is tough. One simple solution is providing children with furniture that they can write on without fear of punishment. That might mean a play table in a daughter’s room or son’s room that gets graffitoed to within an inch of its life. A better solution, however, is a write-on/wipe-off chalkboard table that will look as sweet in the nursery as it will in a big kid’s room.

chalkboard table

This neat chalkboard table from Mod Mom Furniture fits the bill, though it is unfortunately only available to residents of Los Angeles. The rest of us can go the DIY route with a kids play table from somewhere like Craiglist or the naked furniture store, a can of chalkboard paint, and a lazy Susan. Slap on the paint, affix the lazy Susan with screws, and *voila!* you have a custom chalkboard table that might just save your walls. Or a flat surface on which you can write a grocery list… since there’s no reason a chalkboard table should only be for children.

(Via Droolicious)

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
