Manolo for the HomePull a Tom Sawyer On the Neighborhood Kids | Manolo for the Home

Pull a Tom Sawyer On the Neighborhood Kids

By Christa Terry

When I bought my house, I inherited an old, ugly fence. It’s sort of leaning over in some spots, and I’m ashamed to admit that a small (but rather unnecessary) portion of it fell in not too long ago. What really irks me about my fence is that the paint is peeling like a banana skin almost everywhere. We’ve been so focused on other things that the poor fence has been ignored for more than two years, most likely because it is a backyard fence and thus mainly visible only to us.

how to paint a fence

Perhaps I should do as Better Homes & Gardens says and invite the neighborhood children to a fence painting party? The recipe is easy… you need some willing youngsters (just don’t mention it’s a chore), some brushes, and a whole lot of paint. I’d also suggest adding numerous drop cloths to the mix unless you’re a fan of technicolor grass. Of course, a fence painting party will really only work for those who don’t mind a fence that looks like it was painted by children or less-than-talented adults, I suppose. But like I said, my fence is in the backyard, so I’m golden.

2 Responses to “Pull a Tom Sawyer On the Neighborhood Kids”

  1. marvel Says:

    Hallo, Never teh Bride. Was making post-holiday rounds of the Manolosphere and remembered you recently (in the past year) had a little one and was hoping things were going well!

    What color would you paint your fence? Tom Sawyer’s was plain whitewash but I like the pastel rainbow effect. I’d never thought of that.

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    Hi back, marvel! Things are going swimmingly, thanks. Right back atcha!

    I do like the way the fence in the picture looks, though I think I’d definitely keep it in the back and paint a front yard fence to harmonize with my house.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
