Manolo for the HomeWrought Iron? It’s Grate! | Manolo for the Home

Wrought Iron? It’s Grate!

By Christa Terry

Har haw, I know. Terrible pun, but I couldn’t help myself. Growing up close-ish to some of the less savory parts of New York City, I saw plenty of wrought iron window grates, but as a child of the “safe” suburbs, I thought them a terribly eyesore. It didn’t help that many of the wrought iron window grates I saw were warped or rusted or just plain uuuugly. When you’re a builder throwing up cookie-cutter apartment blocks and houses, I suppose it doesn’t make much sense to think of the aesthetic properties of wrought iron. Can people get in via the windows? No? We’re all good.

It was only later when I lived in Costa Rica, where people coming in through your windows to steal whatever isn’t nailed down isn’t what I’d call an impossibility, that I saw wrought iron window grates that had *gasp* style! Granted, they were new, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily had to be pretty or fanciful or just gracefully curvaceous. I wish now that I’d taken some pictures of all the amazing wrought iron window grate patterns I saw, but to make up for that I found some awesome examples of wrought iron grating from around the Internuts. Enjoy!

wrought iron windows

(via Lady the Tramp)

wrought iron windows 2

(via Haddoncraft Forge)

wrought iron windows 3

(via Cor-Ten Art)

wrought iron windows 4

(via Palazzo Pizzo)

Nice, no? And perhaps even pleasantly inspirational to those contemplating buying cheap-o real estate in areas that one wouldn’t necessarily describe as savory.

One Response to “Wrought Iron? It’s Grate!”

  1. mizner Says:

    If your going to live in a crime-ridden neighborhood, you can at least do it in style!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
