Sit On It. Store In It. Stare Out.
By Christa TerryIt is truly an unfortunate thing that there is no room in my home that could currently accommodate a proper window seat. Where the windows are large enough, they are far too high up. Sure, I could find a tall bench and place it under a window, complete with plenty of soft, punched pillows, but it’s not really the same thing. A real window seat has storage underneath, and is a quiet, sturdy place to relax and read or watch the world.
Someday The Beard and I are going to do all sorts of interesting things to our little Cape, but for now I have to be content posting pics here of all the things that float my boat. Perhaps you like window seats as much as I do? If so, you’re going to love the following pics.

Love the lamp, love the view. I have no clue where this is, but I want to believe it’s in one of those cities that feels more like a town. Maybe somewhere by the water? I’m ready to move in.

Wouldn’t this make a boss home office? When you got tired of working at your rustic little writing table, you could retire to the window seat to read a book. Or a trashy magazine.

A mini window seat could fit right into a cottage or the corner of a bigger domicile, just to make things a cozier. Maybe a kid’s room, since a kid would be small enough to curl right up in it.

Don’t think you have to put a window seat along a straight window! This curved window seat would be so amazing at a party for conversation in the round.

A window seat in the kitchen is sweet (you could pull a table right up to it) but I really included this pic for the color. That blue is to die for! (via)
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:06 am
Love love love them all! I plan to fake in a window seat in my LR someday–the east wall has a huge window, if I build-in bookcases on either side and connect them with a bench under the window it will look just like a built-in window seat.
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:48 pm
Looks like Europe to me based on the house seen outside the window.
March 5th, 2010 at 5:49 pm
Don’t you just want to get a good book and curl up in one of these?
March 5th, 2010 at 8:36 pm
@Kai Jones That’s a perfect idea — I could actually do that in my living room if without having to sacrifice too much space, especially if I didn’t make it a particularly wide bench.
@Phyllis Indeed! Reminds me a bit of the view out my uncle’s guest room window in Madrid, actually.
@Pam Gosh, yes!