Manolo for the HomeWindow Styles: An Illustrated Guide | Manolo for the Home

Window Styles: An Illustrated Guide

By Christa Terry

Single Hung Window (via)

Double Hung Window (via)

Horizontal Slider Window (via)

Picture/Fixed Frame Window (via)

Arch Window (via)

Casement/Rollout Window (via)

Awning Window (via)

Hopper Window (via)

Garden Window (via)

Bay Window (via)

Bow Window (via)

Skylight (via)

Louvered Window (via)

Cathedral Window (via)

Note: The strips of wood, metal, or vinyl that separate panes of glass (or pretend to) in any style of window are called muntins, for example diamond muntins or colonial muntins.

6 Responses to “Window Styles: An Illustrated Guide”

  1. Ash Says:

    So what is the difference between single hung and double hung?

  2. Christa Terry Says:

    In a single hung window, you can only move the bottom pane up (i.e., it only opens from the bottom because the top pane is fixed), whereas in a double hung window, you can open it from the bottom like a single hung or bring the top pane down. Double hung windows are much more common than single hung these days.

  3. Pam Says:

    Love the garden window! It really brings the outdoors in!

  4. Christa Terry Says:

    They’re super nice for growing herbs, Pam. Love ’em.

  5. Kevin Kerrigan Says:

    Look into the European oddity that is not yet fashionable in the States, the Tilt-Turn. It is an inward swinging casement and hopper in one.

  6. Christa Terry Says:

    @Kevin Huh, neat. I wonder how they hold up, though. I feel like casement windows never last as long as double-hungs, but maybe all the casements I’ve seen have just been crap in and of themselves.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
