Manolo for the HomeBook? Light? Drink of Water? It Has You Covered. | Manolo for the Home

Book? Light? Drink of Water? It Has You Covered.

By Christa Terry

Unless you absolutely do not have the space because your bed is nearly as wide as your bedroom, you probably have one or more bedside tables a.k.a. nightstands. As furniture goes, bedside tables are among the most useful, since once you’re ensconced under the covers, it’s unlikely that you’ll want to get up again any time soon. But you might need something!

While getting a nice set of matched bedside tables that are basically smaller versions of your dresser is the easiest way to do nightstands, why not think outside of the box? Mismatched bedside tables mean never having to buy new – you might even already have two tables (or table-ish somethings) that would work. How about chairs? Old suitcases? Even a planter stand could work in a pinch.

The only thing you should be careful of is height. Ideally, the tops of your nightstands will be at lest as high as the top of your mattress. And if you have two bedside tables – having one on either side is optional – they should be roughly the same height.

It’s that simple! Here’s bunches of bedside table inspiration for you to enjoy:







Okay, so I included that last one from James McAdam as a bit of a joke. Still I simply can’t cry foul on a bedside table that turns into a club and a shield. How very warrior chic!

2 Responses to “Book? Light? Drink of Water? It Has You Covered.”

  1. Pam Says:

    Love these ideas! Am going to try the ladder one and see if I can get it the right height.

  2. Feena Says:

    wow ha ha that last could be used for self defense against thief breaking in!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
