So No One Ever Has to Know You Work
By Christa Terry… or because, you know, you’d rather not have your workspace right on top of your slackspace in your tiny apartment. Whatever your reasons for wanting to get your home office (or craft room, I suppose) out of sight, the ideal situation would be to devote an entire room to it. When that’s not possible, however, perhaps you have a closet? A large enough closet can accommodate a desk (or better, two filing cabinets with a melamine top to maximize storage space), a chair, and perhaps some hanging paper sorters, along with whatever you need to keep on your desk for professional purposes. Like the idea? Pepper Design Blog has a rough guide to converting one of your closets into a home office.
And naturally, we have some added inspiration!
Aren’t these just fab? My home office is currently a storage room, which is why I’m writing this at my kitchen table among the remains of the baby’s dinner. Would that I had a closet large enough or accessible enough to become a temporary home office until our upstairs remodel is done. Or, you know, gets started.