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About As Custom As You Can Get

By Christa Terry

Long story short: A mom upholstered her couch and chair in muslin and let daughter (along with said daughter’s friends) loose on what was basically a blank canvas.

What do you think? On one hand, it’s a bit messy, but on the other hand I could see someone paying big bucks for something similar if it had a designer name attached.

And I’m a little jealous – when I was four or so, I created a masterwork on my maman’s couch using Sharpie, but my efforts were most definitely not appreciated.


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6 Responses to “About As Custom As You Can Get”

  1. Kai Jones Says:

    Oh! I might upholster a rocking chair and have my grandkids doodle it! That’s a great idea. Would be cool for outdoor furniture too–use permanent markers on outdoor fabric.

  2. Christa Terry Says:

    Love love love the outdoor furniture idea! You could probably even do Sharpie on plastic furniture and then Mod Podge (or something similar that’s waterproof) over it to protect it from the elements.

  3. raincoaster Says:

    My god, how I love this. But only if the kids are talented and not foul-mouthed. I’m the only one allowed to drop F-bombs on my furniture!

  4. Heather Says:

    We live in an unfinished house and have let the kids mark the sheetrock walls. Eventually it gets textured and painted (or texturepainted!) but until then we draw in extra windows and make family trees on the wall, etc. I like the idea of doing it on furniture.

  5. Christa Terry Says:

    @Heather That’s fantastic! If the paint goes right over the drawings, they’ll always secretly be there, a reminder of what your house was like before it was finished!

  6. Heather Says:

    So it’s 2 weeks later and we’ve since tried to paint over the drawn sheetrock. Ew. The marker bled through 2 coats of Kilz, 2 coats of dark primer and 3 coats of paint UNTIL we asked our friendly neighborhood hardware store guy and he said to paint shellac of it and then put the regular paint on. Problem solved!

    But you’ll dig the texturepainting…add paint to drywall compound and slather it on the wall with different concentrations of the same paint. superawesome looking.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
