Manolo for the HomeMay, 2010 | Manolo for the Home - Part 2

Archive for May, 2010

Where I’d Rather Be

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010
By Christa Terry

The Beard and I have a porch. It’s pretty beat up. A priority project this summer involves scraping and painting it, cleaning our outdoor furniture, etc. Step one is important because pressure-treated wood can contain arsenic that can be absorbed through the skin during direct contact. That means the baby hasn’t been allowed to play on our porch. Like it says here:

Painting exposed wood surfaces with water-repellent finish, paint, or stain will protect your skin if you lean or kneel on the sides. And if you have small children, it will also prevent CCA compounds moving from little hands to little mouths.

So, yeah, painting is high up on the list. Having a porch we can’t use is no fun. I want my porch so I can having a pretty pink breakfast with homemade cappuccino and pretty flowers and a nice egg and perhaps even some freshly baked bread and jam whipped up by someone I love.


NtB Loves: This Particular Pretty House

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010
By Christa Terry

I’m loving these shots of a home I found at 1st Option, which represents potential photo shoot and film locations. All the rooms are just so pretty without being girlysweet or frou-frou. I feel like there’s something feminine about this home, but at the same time a guy wouldn’t feel out of place there.

Loving the blues and greens, the use of circles in the rug and in the artwork, the vivid furniture, the kid’s bench, All of it – just the whole package.

Loving the way the chairs contrast with the thickness of the classic wood table and sideboard.

Loving the white! It’s so clean, and it’s gorgeous paired with that pine (I think) floor. The gray chair is just the right touch, along with the pink coverlet.

And here are a few things that might appeal if you, like me, love the interiors above. As always, all six of my picks are clickable!

modern pink chairgreen rugblue pitcher
gray cribwhite lampyellow barstool

Turning Disuse Into Decor

Monday, May 17th, 2010
By Christa Terry

It’s hot. Or at least warm. Either way, having a fire is the last thing on your mind, and will be the last thing on your mind for some months. You could lean a nice painting or print over the gaping maw of your fireplace, but why not use that empty space to make your living room (or bedroom) a little more awesome? Here are just a few ideas, but there are so many more things one could do.


Inspiration: Orange!

Friday, May 14th, 2010
By Christa Terry

Orange needs no introduction! Bright and cheerful, but also a little maddening,orange is a power color. How often do you see around you? You might be surprised at how readily you answer – it’s hard not to notice orange whether it’s the paint on a wall or a single accent piece in an otherwise colorful room. It’s a playful color, and creative, too, though some people find it too overwhelming to take in anything more than limited quantities. How can you use orange in your home? Here’s some yummy orange inspiration to stimulate your creative juices!

Under the cut, you’ll find plenty (more…)

Buy It: Steven Cojocaru’s MCM

Thursday, May 13th, 2010
By Christa Terry

Have $3.95 million just sitting around burning a hole in your pocket? Love that classic old school modern look? Then have I got just the property for you. Fashion critic Steven Cojocaru’s mid-century modern home is apparently up for sale, though you can lease it at a mere $20k per month.

What does that buy you? 3,850 square feet, first of all, under high pitched-roof ceilings with sweet exposed wood. There’s plenty of glass to let the outside in, and gorgeous exposed brick in the living room. Then there are all the “little” details like an orb fireplace, amazing bath tubs, and the neutral decor that might surprise some at its understated tastefulness.

And how about that infinity edge pool, mmm. Those are so awesome when done right. I tell you truly that while I usually go in for a bit more color and a lot more black, I wouldn’t kick this particular real estate out of bed. How about you? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Why?


Don’t Look In Unopened Boxes! (And More)

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010
By Christa Terry

I’m a sucker for keeping things neat and clean, to the point where I’d rather sacrifice sleep to straighten up and wipe down the counters before bed then wake up to dishes in the sink. So you can imagine that I spend an inordinate amount of time reading articles like “The 10 Habits of Highly Organized People” (which appeared in O Magazine). I can’t get enough. In fact, it’s probably a little unhealthy, but I don’t care. So what if they parrot the same tips over and over? It’s good to have a reminder, and even better, I have my own tips to share, right here, right now! What follows are five of my very own tips for clean livin’.


Take Your Work Outdoors

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010
By Christa Terry

Telecommuting rocks, but it’s easy to let work get derailed by a sink full of dishes, a pesky bathroom faucet leak, or other tasks that you’d normally try to avoid doing. Isn’t it funny how the boring-but-necessary becomes so palatable when one is searching for ways to procrastinate? Telecommuting gets easier when you have a home office, but still that sink full of dishes is just a short hallway away. What’s a work-from-home employee to do? There’s always shedworking, which is apparently what’s hot in the alternative home office world! (Suck it, coffee shop!)

Oh em gee, I love it! It’s scads nicer than the home office I have now, I’m ashamed to say.

Unfortunately, while I have a shed, it’s currently full of a wheelbarrow, a push mower, grass seed, trowels and things, and about a gajillion lady spiders watching over egg balls. Creepy. Not conducive to work. Also kind of dirty. But I suppose I could haul all of my outdoor gear into the basement, tear down my yucko shed, and replace it with some chic Swedish work/life shed.

(Image via Shedworking)

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Sit Back and Relax… Or Slam Out Some Stress

Monday, May 10th, 2010
By Christa Terry

Who hasn’t punched a pillow or kicked a couch in a moment of heated anger? As stress-relief goes, it’s convenient, sure, and doesn’t carry the same stigma as, say, breaking plates by pitching them at the nearest wall. But is it truly satisfying? Maybe not as satisfying as this aggressively cool piece of furniture commissioned by Italian furniture manufacturer Campeggi for the 2010 Milan Design Week.

German designer Tobias Fraenzel, maker of the ping pong door and coloring book wallpaper, has created a one-of-a-kind sofa with a back cushion that can be lifted up to form a punching bag or kick bag. Now wailing on that would be much more fulfilling than punching a pillow, no? The verdict? Safe, good for exercise, and overall pretty sleek.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
Copyright © 2004-2009; Manolo the Shoeblogger, All Rights Reserved

  • Recent Comments:

    • The Mid-Century Moment (1)
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    • There’s Nothing Harder Than Saying Goodbye (7)
      • Christa Terry: Thanks, all! @joods They will remain in the archives, so enjoy!

      • molly: Thought something was going on! Thanks for the amazing blog! Good luck, and have a great life!

      • joods: Oops…forgot something. Will your old posts and your links (on the right side of the page) remain? If...

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
