Manolo for the HomeWhat Is That, Velvet? | Manolo for the Home

What Is That, Velvet?

By Christa Terry

Isn’t word association bizarre? I just found a gorgeous chair in the weirdest way possible, and so I want to take you on a short and strange journey through my thought processes. First, you have me remembering me when I shared a basement apartment with a good friend who was kind of nuts – in a fun way, I should add. For a while, he had a thing for saying “What is that, velvet?” in the reediest faux-Jewishy New York accent. I don’t know that anyone in my social circle knew where it came from. Next you have me deciding, on a random Thursday, to Google it, at which time I found out it’s a quote from Coming to America. At roughly the same time, in my search for the quote’s origins, I also found this:

It’s a reproduction of the classic french chair, flocked in blue, pink, purple, red, orange, or green and then upholstered in matching silk. No, it’s not velvet, but it is velvety and possibly less prone to scratches and dings as a result. English Eccentrics makes them to order, so they’re by no means cheap, but they are a lot of fun to look at and I certainly enjoyed finding my way to them!

One Response to “What Is That, Velvet?”

  1. wizard81 Says:

    I truly love this brilliant chair! BUT I feel it would be more prone to scratches, etc. Flocking can rub off so easily. With use, you’d get all these smooth patches where it’s worn down, by the backs of people’s legs and thinfs.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
