Manolo for the HomeModern Kitchens: Too Stark or Just Right? | Manolo for the Home

Modern Kitchens: Too Stark or Just Right?

By Christa Terry

Not one, but two blogs I love (Kitchenisms and emmas designblogg) featured this very modern kitchen that calls the Swedish town of Eskilstuna home. How would I describe this space? It’s a bit industrial and very clean, but also a tad countryish, if only because it reminds me somewhat of the kind of working kitchens you find in farm houses. But those bright green chairs certainly cut through the sanitized look, which is a good thing.

Speaking of sanitization, however, is anyone else a little meh when it comes to the floor to ceiling white tiles? I’m sure the warm wood floors help keep the abattoir feeling to a minimum, yet I can’t shake the idea that I’d start seeing myself inside a slaughterhouse (or maybe just a train station restroom) the longer I spent in the confines of this kitchen.

But back to those green chairs! I’d love to recreate that look in my own kitchen, maybe with these lime green chairs from Umbra:

lime green chair

3 Responses to “Modern Kitchens: Too Stark or Just Right?”

  1. Tiffany Says:

    Ugh, modern kitchens. To me, they look like someone’s getting ready to rehydrate a pizza or eat pot roast from a powder packet.

    Totally “meh” about floor-to-ceiling tile. It reminds me of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. You know, the scene where Mike TV transforms himself?

  2. Julie Says:

    Floor to ceiling tiles, especially subway tiles, seems very Victorian to me rather than modern. I kind of like it.

  3. Beth C. Says:

    I’m totally digging the cabinetry and furniture. A big ol’ no to all the tile, though. It makes it look like it’s the kind of room you just hose down periodically, which is not how I want to feel about my kitchen (though it would make cleaning day quicker and more interesting).

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
