Manolo for the HomeThe Secret to Hosting Guests Sans Stress | Manolo for the Home

The Secret to Hosting Guests Sans Stress

By Christa Terry

What is it that they say about having house guests and fresh fish? Both start to stink after a couple of days? I’d posit that the expiration date on playing host to one or more people arrives much, much sooner when those people are sleeping in your house. Especially if you don’t have the space for an actual guest room and guest bathroom, and there are consequently suitcases and makeup cases spilling their contents all over your living room.

I think we’ve all been trained to believe that guest houses are something only those with lots of money or lots of property or both can have, but what if your guest house is simply a watertight cozy little structure tucked into one corner of your garden?

With a Beltima Chalet Chambre, your guests still have to trek in to use the toilet, but everything from reading to sleeping to face washing can be accomplished somewhere out of your hair so you and your loved ones can remain on good terms when stays are extended. I have no clue how much one would cost, but I love the idea. I wonder if the bottom bunk could be removed and replaced with a desk, turning the whole thing into an adorable detached office?

2 Responses to “The Secret to Hosting Guests Sans Stress”

  1. Abby Says:

    Love it!!

  2. Rubiatonta Says:

    Dee-dorable! And if you don’t want to share the loo, there are also Tumbleweed Tiny Houses — they have some with very teensy footprints, but just about everything a person could want. Heck, I’ve considered getting one for my parents’ backyard, just so I can vacate the guest room for it! Since the smallest ones can be trailered, maybe the solution is to buy one and go visiting my friends with my very own guest suite in tow!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
