Manolo for the HomeGhost Books! | Manolo for the Home

Ghost Books!

By Christa Terry

Does anyone else have this problem? I just cannot seem to go looking for creative, innovative bookshelf designs without getting totally sucked in. I end up finding curvaceous bookshelves and slanted bookshelves and bookshelves that are nestled into staircases. Even if you’re not a big reader or prefer to return books when you’re done reading them, an awesome bookshelf can still be a thing of beauty. (After all, you can put wine on a bookshelf.)

It was in some bookshelf-induced Internet wanderings that I discovered this gem designed by Josefin Hellstrom-Olsson of Beckmans College of Design. While not strictly useful, I do kind of like how there is space in all of the “books” for one or two slightly smaller books. And I think creating this in anything other than plain white would lessen its impact – as it is, it makes me think of ghost books.

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4 Responses to “Ghost Books!”

  1. Inky Says:

    Love your blog. Now that it’s time to bring house plants inside for the winter, how about a post about plant stands??

  2. Christa Terry Says:

    @Inky Sure, why not!

  3. marvel Says:

    The bookshelf is intriguing, but seems impractical. It takes up too much space for the amount of storage provided, and the twists and turns make accessing the stored items difficult. It’s a cool decorative piece, though, more art than useful.

    Oh, is it supposed to be a nightstand? How tall is it? I had envisioned it sitting on a table or a desk or something. But it would be a really cool nightstand in a guest room. Not practical enough for daily use, but fun for occasions.

  4. Leslie Says:

    I. Love. It. Its beautiful, funky and useful. So unique. I want it!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
