Inspiration: Red!
By Christa TerryThe color inspiration posts I occasionally put up are among my favorites, if only because they give me a valid excuse to sit at my computer browsing through photos of awesome interiors. Even if, say, pink isn’t your thing, how it’s used can still give you some insight into how you use colors in your own home. Right now, I’m loving red. If you’ve been reading long enough, you’ll know that my now disused home office is a deep cherry red that was hard as hell to apply (tinted primer is your friend, use it), so really, I’ve never not loved red. Some people, though, are a little afraid of red because it’s such a powerful, influential, and sometimes overwhelming color.
But I’m here to tell you, don’t be afraid. Red is awesome. See what I mean?

P.S. – Don’t forget that if you live anywhere near me, it’s almost time to start thinking about winterizing the garden!