A Low-Maintenance Pet for the Modern Single Man
By Christa TerryApparently in urban Switzerland at least every fourth household is kept by a single man. And finally, FINALLY! someone is out there, thinking of novel solutions to the single man’s unique lifestyle problems. Like what to do when a lady friend stays the night but hasn’t brought her toiletry kit and how to eat in front of the TV without spilling food all over oneself.
Valentin Engler, Marius Morger, and Daniel Grolimund created Der Allein Wohner project – they studied the single man’s lifestyle, researched the single man’s needs and problems, and developed eight interesting products to make his life easier.

My fave? The Birdhouse, a hedge against loneliness without all the muss and fuss that comes with owning a pet.
A pet is ideal against the single man‘s loneliness. But a hard working single man can‘t take the responsibility. Our birdhouse is glued on the outside a window, so the single man can watch his birds grow up from the inside!
Just glue your modern single man’s Birdhouse onto a convenient window and wait for a new little friend to move in!
October 20th, 2010 at 2:09 pm
October 25th, 2010 at 12:39 am
Note to Self: Move to Switzerland.