Does the Single Stripe Really Work?
By Christa TerryThere are lots of things a person can do with paint. There are so many illusions, for example, that can be created on walls and floors and ceilings with a few coats of paint. Paint can give the appearance of depth and texture where there is none. Paint can make a wall feel more complex than it is. And paint can hide features you don’t like, from wood paneling to old floors to ugly brick.
I love paint! Almost all of my room designs have started with an inspirational paint chip because I love to play around with colors. And play around I do! The best part about using paint (as opposed to wallpaper or wainscoting) is that it’s easy to slap on a few coats of paint when you need a change. There are so many different colors and ways to use it. Spray it on, stencil it on, sponge it on… stripe it on? One thing I am not sold on is the whole one horizontal stripe of color in the middle of a wall.

To me, it feels artificial and heavy, like it’s in danger of sliding off the wall. Or I expect there to be an arrow on the end of the stripe if I follow it long enough. I like a lot of things, but I don’ think I’m a fan of the thick single wall stripe. How about you? Love it or hate it?
December 2nd, 2010 at 6:48 am
Not working for me. Feels vaguely institutional, like what you find in a hospital hallway (follow the red line for radiology, the green line for surgery) or possibly an elementary school gym.
December 2nd, 2010 at 11:56 am
I could imagine it as a light stripe on a dark wall- with framed pictures in the stripe. Or done in tones, a slightly lighter stripe on a taupe wall. But, otherwise I agree that it looks like navigation.
December 3rd, 2010 at 10:05 pm
I like it in the green nursery photo, but I don’t like the blue stripe.