Manolo for the HomeThe $3 Hall Tree? Yup! | Manolo for the Home

The $3 Hall Tree? Yup!

By Christa Terry

For some reason, really cool, really cheap DIY projects using scavenged materials keep showing up in my inbox. Okay, the reason is you perfectly wonderful people! This find came to me via the lovely Leane:

Looks good, no? The handy folks at The Corner Lot put together an entire hall tree or entryway bench or whatever you want to call it using old door jambs and real beadboard. Stuff from their basement, too. What cost $3? The wood dowels that make a perfect drying rack for wet mittens and socks.

All that’s left to do is finish it, and I hope that there’s a new post on The Corner Lot when they do. Don’t leave us hanging!

What have you done on the cheap lately?

3 Responses to “The $3 Hall Tree? Yup!”

  1. Jessie Seymour Perkins Says:

    Hey Christa! Thanks for featuring my blog today. We really like building stuff on the cheap and are lucky to have a house that came with a basement full of supplies, but anyone can hone their scavenging skills. This is definitely my favorite project in that category so far. We’ll finish it eventually and be sure to let you know how it turns out!

    Another project we were pretty proud of is our compost bin that we built out of an exterior stair landing and railing that we decided to take down. Check it out!

  2. AJ Says:

    Oooo, the dowels along the radiator are awesome! I’ve been thinking of a foyer makeover…this will help! Thank you! (grumble grumble guess I have to thank my sister, too…grumble grumble)

  3. hb Says:

    This is my (soon to be) sister in law’s blog and I can tell you that they are indeed some of the thriftiest (in a great way) people I know. I love it! It runs in the family as well.

    They have a great blog – I highly suggest following it, and not just because I know her in real life!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
