Manolo for the HomeHow Many Colors Can You Handle? | Manolo for the Home

How Many Colors Can You Handle?

By Christa Terry

Do you find using color intimidating? Then you’re not alone. It’s no surprise that things like painted doors and bright painted cabinets aren’t exactly common and why books like this are necessary. I like to consider myself as a reforming colorphobic – once upon a time, I avoided it out of fear of messing up. Now I’m more confident with color!

Lately, I’ve realized that color users – by which I mean people who decorate colorfully, as opposed to the colorphobic – usually fall into one of three categories:

Some people find it easiest to stick to a limited color palette when decorating – often because it gives them the freedom to play with brighter, more striking colors without fear of clashing or overwhelming the space. Sound like you? If you choose, say, three colors to work with and you know they coordinate well, then you don’t have to think as much about how and where you’re using them. Break out: Add a few alternate color accent pieces to your otherwise perfectly coordinated room.

Others are most comfortable using multiple colors when the colors are serving as an accent in an otherwise neutral space. There’s a certain amount of freedom here, too, mainly because you’re not making a huge color investment. Don’t like that accent piece or chair? Move it, toss it, whatever! Break out: Try painting one wall of your living room a bright, vivid color. In other words, make a commitment, but make it a small one.

And then you have those rare folks who don’t feel at all intimidated by a color palette that includes lots and lots of very different hues. I am envious of these people – I just don’t have the guts to, say, bringing in a bright orange couch. If this sounds like you, you don’t need to break out. You’ve fully embraced the possibility of color, and that is pretty awesome!

Images: Beaux Arts Mansion

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
