Manolo for the HomeNo Sew Fabric Blinds | Manolo for the Home

Still Discombobulated, Have a Tutorial Link!

By Christa Terry

No sewing machine required!

True story: I can sew. I can even sew big stuff on my sewing machine that was absolutely not designed to make anything bigger than a dress or wee baby blanket. BUT I’d rather not sew big stuff because it is a big pain in the rear. That’s why I was so jazzed to find THIS, a simple no-sew fabric blinds tutorial by Regina Morrison, owner of Acute Designs. Check it out, give it a try, and if you do, share it! Also, while you’re still here, tell me:

Can you sew the big stuff? Do you like to?

3 Responses to “Still Discombobulated, Have a Tutorial Link!”

  1. Carol Says:

    I can sew the big stuff but I do not. Too hard on my back and shoulders, which already have serious issues. I’ll do the occasional big quilt, but it’s slow going with lots of breaks. Small stuff? Bring it on!

  2. Steph Says:

    Every few years, I sew a new duvet cover. I can’t bring myself to pay so much for a breathable one at the store, and the cheap ones I’ve bought were terrible.

    If you pick a busy pattern or a vertical stripe, you can just sew two lengths together and the seam won’t show in the middle. The other option if the pattern doesn’t blend as well is to do one full panel in the middle and two half panels on the side with piping or contrasting fabric or soemthing. Baby snaps finish it off! Easy and satisfying.

  3. Christa Terry Says:

    @Steph That’s a great idea! Something simple to spruce up our bedroom. I tried sewing sheets together to make a duvet cover once, but the results were just not as nice as new fabric would be.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
