Manolo for the HomeWalls | Manolo for the Home - Part 2

Archive for the 'Walls' Category

Empty Frames: Absolutely or Ew, Never?

Monday, February 21st, 2011
By Christa Terry

I think I’m done with the whole ‘empty frames as art‘ thing – and the ‘hang a little bit of craft paper in a frame and call it art’ thing. The ease of it still appeals to me. No need for matting or sizing anything or figuring out just how to hang a frame that’s meant to be displayed on a table. Just rip the whole thing apart, spray paint it white, and nail it to the wall in a some inoffensive arrangement.

What do you think – still cute? Or kind of boring?

Don’t get me wrong… I love me some DIY wall art, especially if it’s accessible to everyone. This is just one trend that I think has had its 15 minutes, and now it’s time for us all to move on to the next easy project. When I find out what that is, you’ll be reading about it.

Never Again Get Into an Accident When You’re Backing the Car Out of the Living Room

Friday, February 18th, 2011
By Christa Terry

I’m all for creating safe spaces, but come on…

Inspiration: White Brick Walls

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011
By Christa Terry

Once upon a time, I helped a pair of friends paint an apartment in a cool industrial part of Brooklyn. This particular apartment had charming exposed brick in both bedrooms (along with less charming exposed pipes everywhere else) and I was absolutely stunned when said friends informed me that painting the walls white also meant painting the brick white. Quelle horreur! But looking back now, I think maybe I was in the wrong and they were in the right, because a painted brick wall in an interior space looks a lot fresher and more inviting than brick that looks like it belongs on the outside of a building. Don’t you think?

via UXUS Design


Sometimes You Need a Little Reminder

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011
By Christa Terry

So as first posts of the new year go, yesterdays was a little tongue-in-cheek. Not that I have anything against New Year’s resolutions… but as it turns out, science has determined that people who fail to meet their new year goals are no less happy than those who succeed. My resolution? To keep finding beautiful and fun furniture and accessories to share here, along with some lifestyle tips and the occasional oddity. But since I was so snarky yesterday, I thought I’d make it up by offering up something a little sweeter from various shops around the net.

via Barn Owl Primitives


Great Ideas: A Curtain to Hide an Ugly Wall

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010
By Christa Terry

Curtains don’t always have to cover windows, you know. Let’s say you’re a renter and are facing the prospect of living or sleeping in a room with one or more very ugly walls. Why not take the curtain concept and apply it to your eyesore of a wall? A few brackets here and there, some hardware, and a beautiful curtain will mean no more suffering ugliness in your personal space.

A Rug for Philatelists and Anglophiles: The Queen’s Head Stamp Rug

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010
By Christa Terry

Talk about majesty of design! Rug Maker was officially granted a license by Royal Mail to manufacture the Queen’s Head Stamp Rug, a larger than life version of the Queen Elizabeth II stamp that’s suitable for hanging on a wall or *gasp* laying on the floor.

Hand knotted and woven in Nepal from 100% New Zealand wool, these rugs come in a various sizes and colors. The best part, in my humble opinion? The scalloped edges, so like an old fashioned postage stamp just torn from its sheet.

Inspiration: Roses

Monday, December 27th, 2010
By Christa Terry

Roses have long played a role in home decor and decorating. As standalone embellishments – cut roses or rose bushes – the rose has been the front-runner of all the flowers in the world for a centuries. In paintings, carvings, and textiles, roses began appearing (along with other blooms) with regularity in something like the 17th century. And why not? Images of roses are gorgeous whether they’ve been captures true to life or in stylized fashion, in 2D or 3D. Plus, as decor goes, roses tend to be timeless. Not every rose curtain or wallpaper will stand up to the passage of years, of course, but the iconic rose will certainly do so. Love roses? Me, too, which is why I put together a little inspiration for us to share.




Does the Single Stripe Really Work?

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
By Christa Terry

There are lots of things a person can do with paint. There are so many illusions, for example, that can be created on walls and floors and ceilings with a few coats of paint. Paint can give the appearance of depth and texture where there is none. Paint can make a wall feel more complex than it is. And paint can hide features you don’t like, from wood paneling to old floors to ugly brick.

I love paint! Almost all of my room designs have started with an inspirational paint chip because I love to play around with colors. And play around I do! The best part about using paint (as opposed to wallpaper or wainscoting) is that it’s easy to slap on a few coats of paint when you need a change. There are so many different colors and ways to use it. Spray it on, stencil it on, sponge it on… stripe it on? One thing I am not sold on is the whole one horizontal stripe of color in the middle of a wall.

To me, it feels artificial and heavy, like it’s in danger of sliding off the wall. Or I expect there to be an arrow on the end of the stripe if I follow it long enough. I like a lot of things, but I don’ think I’m a fan of the thick single wall stripe. How about you? Love it or hate it?

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
Copyright © 2004-2009; Manolo the Shoeblogger, All Rights Reserved

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      • Christa Terry: Thanks, all! @joods They will remain in the archives, so enjoy!

      • molly: Thought something was going on! Thanks for the amazing blog! Good luck, and have a great life!

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    Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Mr. Manolo Blahnik. This website is not affiliated in any way with Mr. Manolo Blahnik, any products bearing the federally registered trademarks MANOlO®, BlAHNIK® or MANOlO BlAHNIK®, or any licensee of said federally registered trademarks. The views expressed on this website are solely those of the author.



    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
