A peek into the world of Tyson
By Christa TerryThe Beard has been my linkman lately, and he did not disappoint today. His latest find was a pictorial tour of Mike Tyson’s former home on Illicitohio, an awesome (AWESOME!) site that documents the adventures of one anonymous urban explorer. The home has apparently been empty since the 90s and is mostly empty of furniture. It’s fun to look at what Mike Tyson’s decor guru thought was hot and what was left in the house after he decided to leave.
The photos speak for themselves, really. There’s commentary over at Illicitohio if you’re interested in anon’s take on the house and the decor, but I’ll leave you with this thought before presenting a selection of photos: Everything you see, from the furniture to the rugs to the faux plants, was someone’s idea of a real stylin’ pad.
This is precisely why I always advocate choosing furnishings and color schemes that have something of a timeless quality. As much as I adore that pool room and the huge brick fireplace wall, I wouldn’t want to have to live with the rest of that furniture and the gold ceilings and the crazy bathroom to enjoy them.
Now go check out the full set on Illicithio because there are tons more awesome pics from this crazy house!
May 2nd, 2008 at 10:43 am
I find myself having a bit of a Tim Gunn moment here. You know, those times on Project Runway when he stares at some designers’ creation and quietly says ‘that’s a lot of look’ and you know in an instant the judges are going to crucify it if something doesn’t change in a big way? That’s the moment I’m having.
There are some great bits, but overall my brain is chorusing an old Flanders and Swann tune called Design for Living about interior design run amok.
//But though 7B is madly gay
It wouldn’t do for every day
We actually live in 7A
In the house next door//
May 2nd, 2008 at 10:43 am
I think this house falls into the “great bones, badly in need of a makeover” category.
May 3rd, 2008 at 7:31 am
Whoa – the zebra carpet is making me dizzy!
May 3rd, 2008 at 7:33 am
And that GREEN pool! EUewwww….
May 3rd, 2008 at 3:41 pm
That’s so true, JaneC! I love the outside brick and that fab fireplace and the pretty beamed roof, but the maroon carpeting and the golden ceilings and walls and the weird swishy paint stripes have got to go.
May 24th, 2008 at 2:34 pm
Your main goal should be to make your room or home as comfortable and attractive to your taste as you can. The creation of theme groups of art images is a great way to decorate your walls! These theme groups can be done with any combination of sizes and subjects as long as they match or contrast nicely with your wall and environment colors.