Manolo for the HomeYet another reason to go back to bed | Manolo for the Home

Yet another reason to go back to bed

By Christa Terry

I’d like to say that from now on, all my bedding will come to me from DwellStudio. Except I can’t say that, because I don’t have $265 to spend on a duvet cover, and I simply can’t justify spending $80 on a single pillow sham. Yes, that’s one (count it, one) sham, which is just one ‘e’ away from being a crying shame.

I’d like to dwell on those, if you catch my meaning

But aren’t the linens shown above just divine? I might be persuaded to spend more time reading in bed and less time in front of The Beard’s computer watching Battlestar Galactica if I had a full set…or maybe just one of the duvet covers. All right, so on blah days like today I don’t exactly need a lot of persuading. The kicker is that I have to get up, out of my warm cozy bed, and actually do things if I want to afford the kind of linens specifically designed to keep one in bed!

3 Responses to “Yet another reason to go back to bed”

  1. Jen Says:

    FYI Never teh Bride – Target has a line of DwellStudio bed things! Check the link – I had to tinyurl it cause the url is seriously long – if it doesn’t work, go to and search DwellStudio. Not only do they have nice duvet sets for adults, they also have adorable baby bedding as well!

  2. Little Red Says:

    Once you get the sheets, you have to get the laptop so that you can sit in bed and watch BSG on those sheets! This way, you have the best of both worlds.

  3. Never teh Bride Says:

    Jen: Thanks for the tip — I have fallen in love with Target over and over again for the way they incorporate higher end ideas into their lines and sell modified versions of the stuff I could never afford. It’s something to tide me over until I can spend $300 on a duvet cover!

    Little Red: You are just full of good ideas today 😉

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
