Holy big beanbag, Batman!
By Christa TerryI always thought beanbag chairs were kind of stupid. Yes, they’re comfortable when they’re not the really cheap kind from Wal*Mart, but they’re always just a tad too small for the grownup human being. I generally view beanbags as being something you stick in a kid’s room until they’re old enough to know better.

Here’s me, eating my words as I contemplate cozying up to The Beard on this six foot beanbag from Studio OneUp. They still look like something you might blunder into in a stereotypical “mantuary,” but at least they’re big enough for two.
May 19th, 2008 at 2:06 pm
There’s a company here in Utah called Love Sac that makes giant beanbags like the one shown above. We had 2 of them in my office when I was working in Student Government in college. They were awesome for about two years but after a while the “beans” got all lumpy and it wasn’t quite as comfy. They were really fun though!
May 19th, 2008 at 3:43 pm
Beanbags are comfy all right – and just about impossible to gracefully get out of unless one is 11 years old or under.
May 19th, 2008 at 6:44 pm
I’m with Phyllis, I think the only way I could get out of that would be to roll off of it.