When I start to feel sad that Martha Stewart’s Blueprint mag got scrapped, I need only recall passages such as the one that follows to feel better.
You know your peach paisley duvet has to go. But so does the Heineken bar mirror he’s snoozed beneath since college. To build a unisex bed where nobody feels short-sheeted, start with hues that aren’t too masculine (dark, opaque browns and grays) or feminine (light, powdery pinks and blues). Here, yellow sheets, a teal blanket, an ash-gray duvet, and soft-brown shams create a bright, cheery combo that won’t make him feel marooned on planet Venus. And while you’ll be avoiding all things frilly, you can still have fun with textures, like quilted canvas, fuzzy wool, and menswear-inspired stripes and checks.
The planet Venus? Well I was going to fill my bedroom with an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, but I guess I won’t.
Now I don’t know about you, but my husband has never given me the slightest reason to think that he cares at all what our bedroom looks like. I’m not saying that no men care, but a quick poll of my guy friends has shown me that there is a distinct lack of decor preferences on the XY side of the spectrum. Ladies, care to weigh in? Or maybe the gents should comment to tell me how wrong I am and that the average guy totally gives a toot about the color of his bed linens!