Manolo for the HomeLaundry Gets a Lift | Manolo for the Home

Laundry Gets a Lift

By Christa Terry

Think of laundry rooms… what comes to mind? A corner of the unfinished part of a basement, like mine? A moist, linty space where clutter gets out of hand very quickly? Or do you picture something organized and, dare I say it, pretty? It’s easy to ignore the humble laundry room, but perhaps it is nearly as easy to take the time to make it a little nicer to be in.


It might even be chic, like this mostly monochromatic laundry room dotted with splashes of color — love that rug — and complete with a sofa on which to rest one’s bum while folding laundry. (via)

laundry room 2

A laundry room with purpose, like this one, will be neat and clutter-free, with a place for everything and everything in its place. Again, I’m loving the rug. (via)

laundry room

The color makes this laundry room, with its walls that say “clean” without being stark or dull. Even if your laundry room is nothing special, why not find a few cute prints to hang? That simple gesture might make a huge difference! (via)


Adorable. Pretty. And fully suited to its purpose. What’s not to like? It looks like there’s even a built in TV in this laundry room, which would certainly make folding and ironing a lot less dull. (via Electrolux)


This laundry room is light and airy, with built-ins that rock my socks. The only thing that’s lacking is counter space for folding, but one can’t have everything, right? (via)

I don’t know about you, but I’m thoroughly inspired now and almost ready to re-do my lame little laundry space. It’ll be finding the time that will take the most effort!

3 Responses to “Laundry Gets a Lift”

  1. Kai Jones Says:

    What I want in a laundry room is a protected, ventilated area for drip-drying and drying flat. It could be a cupboard with horizontal mesh trays (like window screens) on sliders, or folding a-frame with wings that you can pull out of a closet, open up, and load with delicates–but I want it planned in! Because if you don’t plan it, your gerryrigged version will take up all the floor space for 2 or 3 days while the delicates are drying.

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of a built-in drying wrack, especially since we’re dealing with drip drying diaper covers every night. Currently, they’re spread out on the barbell on my weight bench… not exactly a good looking solution.

  3. Kai Jones Says:

    I have the perfect one designed in my head! 🙂 It’s a cupboard with sliding mesh racks and a built-in fan that exhausts outside–because it’s air flow that dries clothes, far more than heat.

    But what I use right now is a folding wire A-frame from Ikea that I adore, because it folds so tiny (hides behind a door) but opens up to hold all my delicates-sweaters, bras, silk stockings and garter belt-reasonably well.

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
