Manolo for the HomeInspiration: Giddy Up! | Manolo for the Home

Inspiration: Giddy Up!

By Christa Terry

I grew up playing with two reddish-orange wooden horses, painted with colorful stylized tack, but not knowing what they were. A lucky click later, and here I am, remembering with fondness my dala horses. Known also as dalecarlian horses (or dalahäst in Swedish), these very pretty ponies entered into existence as toys for children, then became emblematic of Sweden. Whatever you want to call them, I think they’re absolutely lovely. Here are just a few examples of how your might integrate a dala horse into your family:

dala horse

dala horse plate

dala horse cookie cutter

dala horse decals

dala horse mug

dala horse pattern

(Images, in order: rubbad; Small Adventure; Gift Chalet; trust&trust; Indelible Studios; Alline Luz)

2 Responses to “Inspiration: Giddy Up!”

  1. Kimberly Says:

    Oh! I love these and collect them with a passion! I have never seen a yellow one, however–would love to know where to get one. I live in an old Swede area of Michigan, so every once in a while will happen to find one, which is a real treat. I have about 20 of them in various sizes.

  2. Never teh Bride Says:

    @Kimberly I, personally, had no idea that they came in colors other than the traditional orangey red. I’d adore a pink one. Now that we both know, it’s time to start poking around eBay and retail sites!

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
