Yes or No: Numbered Stairs
By Christa TerryWhen I first saw these numbered stairs at Restyled Home I was taken by them. It seemed like such a cute idea and a simple way to spruce up a stairwell. You’ll never again forget how many stairs it takes to reach your second floor, and you can teach your little ones their numbers every night before bed!
Adorable, no? But do you like it? Would you number your own stairs, either inside or outdoors?

As a DIY project it would be simple enough to do. Most of the how-tos I’ve seen suggest using paint and stencils, but you might just as easily use peel and stick house numbers or the sturdier metal house numbers that need to be affixed with nails.

You could even paint on a “runner” to frame your decorative numerals. After further consideration, I still like the idea, I just don’t know if I’m as ga-ga for it as I was. There’s a part of my mind telling me that I’d tire of numbered stairs after not too long a time.
March 13th, 2010 at 5:44 pm
dude, chii, this is a REALLY good idea for people with little kids. not only would the numbers provide an awesome, fun counting game to get them upstairs for bed, the repetitive sight right at eye/stairclimbing level every day would increase their symbol recognition pretty dramatically. plus when they got older I could see some simple math games evolving! there is no better way to encourage arithmetic aptitude than just having the concepts around for play. letters could also be a good idea, but they wouldn’t provide the interactivity of math.