Time In the Round
By Christa TerryNeed to know the time and your celly is just not handy? Perhaps you need a super sweet Aspiral Clocks designed by Will Aspinall and Neil Lambeth. Deceptively complicated looking, they’re actually extremely easy to read. The clock face slowly spirals over the course of 12 hours, and a ball trapped in the spiral indicates the time. One simply looks at where the ball lies between the hours – three-quarters between four and five, closer to the five? That would be 4:45.

Aspiral Clocks start at around £350, and you can customize your clock in a number of ways, from the color or even background design behind the spiral to the hour where the ball resets itself. Noon is the standard – with its obvious application for moving between AM and PM – but there’s no reason your clock can’t reset itself at 5 or 11. Very cool!
April 12th, 2010 at 5:59 pm
That is so deeply awesome.