Manolo for the HomeWho Else Wants Blue Velvet? | Manolo for the Home

Who Else Wants Blue Velvet?

By Christa Terry

No, no, not that blue velvet (though some people certainly want it, maybe you). I’m talking about blue velvet chairs, yum. Velvet phones, flocked chairs, I love it all.

What you see, you can get. Okay, everything except for the first blue velvet seat, which I found in someone’s Flickr stream without any identifying details. From there, though, you have: Room and Board, Brocade Home, (steal them from the) Hotel Roger Williams, 5th Avenue

6 Responses to “Who Else Wants Blue Velvet?”

  1. Kai Jones Says:

    I would love to see a variety of options in leather furniture. Due to allergies I am supposed to only have plain wood or metal, or leather-upholstered furniture.

  2. Christa Terry Says:

    Coming up, Kai Jones!

  3. Casanas Says:

    Conspicuous! But in a good way.

  4. the misfit Says:

    This is NOT what I wanted to hear! I need that first sofa OR I WILL NOT CONTINUE BREATHING. I never save up for furniture (craigslist junkie) but am capable of making an exception. Whose flickr stream???? Could I email them and beg for the source? NEED. SOFA.

  5. Christa Terry Says:

    I definitely don’t want you to stop breathing, misfit! So I went on a hunt and discovered that it’s apparently the Antoinette Fainting Sofa from…Urban Outfitters, of all places. Apparently they don’t carry that exact fabric or leg color any more, but there are two different blues from which to choose.,+product.marketingPriority&navCount=7&navAction=push&color=&pushId=A_FURN_FURNITURE&popId=A_DECORATE&prepushId=&selectedProductSize=

    There’s a similar color at Target for a bit less dough:|B000M3EAM4&CPNG=furniture&ref=tgt_adv_[XSVALUE]

  6. the misfit Says:

    You are AMAZING. And such a humanitarian :).

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    Christa Terry
    (a.k.a. Never teh Bride)


    Manolo the Shoeblogger
