Think your space is a Selby Place? Let photographer Todd Selby and CB2 be the judge.
By Christa TerryThough I’d give all you fashionable hip people a heads up re: CB2’s The Selby Is In Your Place contest, which ends on September 15. It’s easy to enter. Just submit three photos of your most creative space, then hustle for as many votes as you can. The grand prize is $10,000 in cool CB2 merchandise and a private photo shoot by Todd Selby. Ooh la la.

Am I uploading shots of my own place? No. My fave entry? I like this interior submitted by Joel and Ashley, a husband-and-wife team with three cats, a lot of plants, and a well seasoned kitchen (whatever that means) who rock hard when it comes to graphic design, illustration, and photography. For real, I am a huge fan of their company, This Paper Ship, for invites of all kinds, wedding logs, wedding photography, and so on. If you like it, too, throw a vote their way here.